In Betweens /
“In Betweens” is a performance and a collaboration between Muhanned Nassar and myself. Muhanned is a Jeddah-based electronic Dj AKA Vinyl Mode. In March 2019, both of us were in Cite international des arts residency in Paris for three months. We collaborated on several projects and In Betweens was on of them. My arabic (spoken words) along with his beats. The inspiration/the story behind this performance is finding the third space as in-betweeners, not completely fitting east or west.
“In Betweens” was not the first performance or collaboration with Muhanned. We Preformed in Jeddah in 2017 and we collaborated before that on many tracks, since early 2016.
In 2017 we collaborated and made an album and called it “Solitude”. The tracks are different but each tell a story of the same woman. A woman who isolates herself from the noise of the world to reflect on her circumstances. Alone in a big city, the heroine subconsciously reminisces over the past and ruminates on the hopelessness of the present. click here to check the tracks
Mirsal Project /
Mirsal; the illustrated unsent heartbreak letters project.
I started collecting heartbreak letters that were written by different people from all around the world in 2017 and finished illustrating 70 letters in the begging of 2019. After that I wrote my own heart break letter and made a video in March 2019, because I felt that I need to be vulnerable in thanking all of the people who were vulnerable with me and brave enough to send me their private deepest stories. These people come from different places all around the world; Jeddah, Peru, Barcelona, San Francisco, Cairo, Dubai, Al khartoum, Berlin, Beirut, Kuala lumpur, and much more. Each broken relationship has a different end and some of the letters are not even addressed to a romantic previous partner. However, the voice that seeks closure is the one thing in common between all the letters. These letters were never received by their intended people, so the artist turned them to illustrations. Each illustration either reflects on the heartbreak letter, or specifies a significant object to the relationship itself, an object only the sender and their previous partner would recognize or relate to.
you can find Mirsal’s book in these places:
10 out of 70 letters
The Analysis of Simple Physics In Relation to Love, Break Ups and Other Emotional Shit. /
The human system is a vast and complex system, containing thousands and thousands of particles interacting with each other, creating different dynamics depending on the type of interaction. earlier this year 2019 I spent months in Cite international des arts inviting spectators to focus on love and intimacy in relation to simple physics through research. I ended up riso printing a guidebook that discusses the 4 phases of love in relation to the grand unified theory, also did four monoprints of each phase/force.
The absence of activity and heat exchange is the reason we tend to move forward and not stop. If an object in the space doesn’t get disturbed by a stronger factor, it will continue to move in a straight line forever according to our flat space and time and this is exactly how we feel when we’re single and not into someone specific. However being alone and not distracted by someone who’s attracting you cannot last forever. Gravity is the reason Earth orbits around the Sun. The Sun bends the space-time continuum such that Earth gravitates towards the Sun. Exactly like how you gravitate around your crush. When you like someone from afar and not sure why you’re attracted to them, this is gravity. We don’t know how bodies attract one another, but we know that they do! Gravity is a powerful force when it comes to attracting bodies, and the closer those bodies are the stronger the force is. Having said that, at very short distances, other forces become even stronger than gravity. And this is when you decide to partner up with your crush.
In the 1850s, James Clark Maxwell discovered the intimate relationship between electricity and magnetism, theorizing the quintessential electromagnetic theory. Turned out that this electromagnetic force is also the mediating force between atoms, it holds them together and creates molecules as a system. In this phase we kind of know why we are into our potential partners. There is only two directions the electromagnetic force produces; attracts or repulses. It is still a bit of a mystery to me how it works but at least I know that what makes the particles move smoothly together is all chemistry. In each relationship there’s a sun and there’s an earth orbiting around it.You might be the sun in a relationship and an earth in another, depending on the chemical combination of you and a specific partner. Just like how the earth needs to be at a certain distance from the sun to maintain their good relationship, it is the same within the atomic system. An electron has to maintain a certain power to stay on its orbit and keep a certain wave length from the proton to maintain its color and have a fixed frequency. This is the same balanced distance that you need to have with your partner in order for the relationship/system to work. What happens when the electron loses its power and move to a different orbit? The photon that bonds the proton and the electron breaks and a certain energy gets released due to different potentials. Now is this bad? I would like to think that its not. Because in this energy release, light is created.
The weak force causes radiations just like the electromagnetic force, it attracts or repels. However it is hard to detect this force if you’re just looking at the atomic system, and so hard not to detect it if you’re in the right place where you zoom in the nucleus where the intense interaction happens. I call this intimacy, so intense and will only be detected if you get close to your partner. Whereas electromagnetic force is mediated by photons, the weak force is mediated by three bosons: W+, W-, and Z bosons. The weak force is weak in radio active decay because it can’t happen until a rare W particle happens, but in interaction with enough energy it is easy to make W particles and in these circumstances the weak force isn’t weak at all. That being said the particles need to be very close for the weak force to be intense. The weak force can actually create a state where it can change an identity of a particle, just like how relationships change people from within. An example of the weak force is nuclear fusion that happens in the sun. Two hydrogen atoms becomes so close to one another, closer than typical electromagnetic force allows, that they’re literally smashed into one another to become a helium atom. All the excess energy is driven out in the shape of radioactivity: heat and light. In a way, being in a relationship with such enormous force will change your core; some heat too doesn’t hurt.
Lets zoom in: The strong force is the strongest of the four, but works at the shortest distance. The force that holds atoms together. It is 6,000 billion billion billion billion times more powerful than gravity, where it all started. This is when you’re in deep love, when your strong connection doesn’t diminish with distance contradicting its own force. When the particles are coexisting and bounded by a stronger force even when they’re not from the same flavor/background. The strong force interacts with quarks: these quarks are particles that come in different flavors and colors, perhaps the most vibrant of all forces. It is the phase where you remember and think of your lover when you’re not in the same room. When you think of something then you receive a text message from them talking about the same thing. Sometimes, Quantum entanglement seems a phenomenon more emotional than physical. Particles tend to mirror each other and become inseparable. Even Einstein dismissed it as non sense and called it spooky action.
Moreover, in the guidebook I designed after I talk about the 4 phases of love/forces I move on to doubts in relation to the uncertainty principle leading to confusion in relation to entropy and finally wondering about the possibility of feeling nothing or lets say the absolute zero.
Eye C. you /
The C theory:
This theory romanticizes the progression of a relationship. The theory contains 30 words that start with the letter C. These words describe the ideal flow of a relationship between two people. From the beginning: coincidence or chance… to the middle: change and communication... to the peek: comfort, certainty and compassion.
The Poem:
The poem is a more fluid romantic approach than the theory. This piece introduces the element of contradiction. It sounds like it’s dedicated to one person while in fact it is a collection of experiences. Encountering all the C’s in one relationship is nearly impossible. Therefore monogamy is an imperfect concept that this piece aims to challenge.
Graph A:
This graph is an outline of distance and location distributed on the world map. The individuals presented on the map have, in one-way or another, contributed various elements of the C theory in my life. The connections illustrated remind me of how humans are similar in their pursuit to belong and connect.
Graph B:
A numerical count of each C per individual measured on a scale of 0 to 10.
Graph C:
This subject overlap graph is a visual mess that shows the common C factors based on group analysis. The colors are quite similar and this reflects the confusion of real life.
Barcelona, 2016
Collage Your Words | أُقصوصات و قصص /
Collage your words workshop:
Combining short stories with characters made of mixed media; cut outs, pencil colors, markers...etc.
Age: 16+
You will learn:
Building easy story telling (intro climax resolution).
Learning the meaning of different shapes in character design.
Attending workshop: 200 SR
Postcards of your creations during the workshop: Extra 100 SR
Please note that the deadline for payment is: THUR, JUNE 25th.
Free goodie for you:
Rasmah wa Kilmah Eid greeting cards by Sarah Taibah.
All materials will be provided.
We encourage to bring random scraps and cut outs for personalized and better results.
Spaces are limited, so hurry up and book.
Please note that your registration will not be confirmed until you complete the payment process. Once you fill out the form, you will be contacted with payment information.
ZAINA'S CAKE . كيكة زينة /
ليلة العيد ما قبل الي فات. /
لا أعلم أهو القلب أم الحدس ... أم هي النفس التي ترهق الروح ! كَثُرت و اختلفت المشاعر حول علاقة عكسية لا تمُّت للطرد بصلة، بين وعي مستسلم و لا وعي جامح، يخشى فراق استشعار المسؤول ... و أخشى معه
اخشى البحث عن غذاء الروح المختبئ كجزر الأرنب في حفرة... صفات الحوانات ترهقني. اخشى التَعثُّر و الوقوع بها... لا، الفضول لا يستعمر عقلي لأن سبق و أرهقتني محاولات الهروب من حفرة الجزر. اخشى فقدان سكاكر الغروب التس تأتي كطبق من الحلو بعد وجبة غذاء استمرت لخمسة عشر ساعة
لطالما سَعِدتُ باختلاف أبعادي، و اختلاف نظرياتي عن مختلف الأبعاد، لطالما تربعت على عرش الفهم ... ال كرسي مهزوز و مخلخل، و أرفض أن يُخلِّل عندي ما هو مخلخل
اخشى الوحدة ... اخشى الحلويات، فهي غير السكاكر... اخشى العين المغلقة ... اخشى الرجوع الى القفص الذي داخله قفص كان مغلق ... اخشى نطَّة احمد السقا في افريكانو ... اخشى امتلاك قلبين.... اخشى فقدان الشهية .... الشهية للسكاكر... اخشى فقدان لحظة لطيفة مع اللطيف... اخشى تقلب الأحوال المريب ... اخشى رغبة التغيير المستمرة... لا اخشى اني اخشى
اخشى الملل منك و من ما هو اعظم منك... اخشى القنوط... اتمنى من الكبير أن يُجنبني اليأس، فأنا لا أستلطفه ... احترت و اخشى حيرتي التي لطالما أرهقتني... بالأصَّح، أرهقتنا. لطالما اتخذتها عذراً ... حمَّلتها فوق طاقتها
أعتذر الآن، سامحيني حيرتي
آن الأوان أن أُسَّلم للسلام
The way I silkscreen, step by step :) /
First, I prepare a "Master Copy" where I finalise my drawing with basic colour layout, to know how many layers I would need.
Draw my separations. each colour on a separate acetate sheet. "In this case I am only using 3 colors"
Burn my separations on my screens.
By this point I should prepare my paper and work out the way I register 'em on the table, also prepare my colours and everything. I don't want anything to stop me while printing because the ink dries fast on the silk screen.
After each layer I should run and wash my screen and let it dry before I go for my next layer.
I finally sign my original edition of prints <3
An Improvised Letter to My Introvert Self. /
This piece is a combination between Triptography and my silkscreened handwriting to support the concept of me talking to myself and trying to convince her that the world offers all the colors of the heart, rainbow and universe. Also if deep inside all she sees is dark, that doesn't mean that everything is black.
the letter:
It's dead dark here inside!
What is it that you love about this place?
Darkness doesn't suit me. Why do you hold onto it so tight?
You're me but unlike me! Why can't you reflect me ?!!!
Try to get out and see the colors ... All the colors that beautify your darkness.
Anyhow, If you ever needed me, you'll find me waiting here ... outside.
Meet Lily and Steve /
أنا الشمس /
قصة قصيرة بِلا نهاية /
make your own SHAWKAT /
ارتجال /
back home drawings ... /
في حياة أُخرى. /
عَشِقنا الليمون و الأناناس و القهوة و الزنجبيل ... و دروس الرقص و التمثيل... لكنني أدمنت الرسم و عَشِقَ الموسيقى... عزف القانون، الذي لطالما تمنيت الرقص بأطراف أناملي عليه ... على القانون ... و عليه