Metafora, Barcelona, 2016
The C theory: This theory romanticizes the progression of a relationship. The theory contains 30 words that start with the letter C. These words describe the ideal flow of a relationship between two people. From the beginning: coincidence or chance… to the middle: change and communication... to the peek: comfort, certainty and compassion.
CLICK HERE for the whole project.

The human system is a vast and complex system, containing thousands and thousands of particles interacting with each other, creating different dynamics depending on the type of interaction. In 2019 I spent months in Cite international des arts residency in Paris, inviting spectators to focus on love and intimacy in relation to simple physics through research. CLICK HERE to check the full project.

The third space show
BAWA gallery, 2020
Contained Feels, a series of paintings replete with black humor, manifests emotions into store-bought products. Satirizing the all-too-human tendency to overindulge in negativity. The series, “Contained Feels” were part of the show. to check thhe whole show CLICK HERE

Athr Gallery, 2019
Mirsal; the illustrated unsent heartbreak letters project. I started collecting heartbreak letters that were written by different people from all around the world in 2017 and finished illustrating 70 letters in the beginning of 2019. These people come from different places all around the world; Jeddah, Peru, Barcelona, San Francisco, Cairo, Dubai, Al khartoum, Berlin, Beirut, Kuala lumpur, and much more. Each broken relationship has a different end and some of the letters are not even addressed to a romantic previous partner. However, the voice that seeks closure is the one thing in common between all the letters. These letters were never received by their intended people, so the artist turned them to illustrations. Each illustration either reflects on the heartbreak letter, or specifies a significant object to the relationship itself, an object only the sender and their previous partner would recognize or relate to. CLICK HERE to check some of the illustrated letters.

Cite International Des Arts, Paris, 2019
“In Betweens” is a performance and a collaboration between Muhanned Nassar and myself. Muhanned is a Jeddah-based electronic Dj AKA Vinyl Mode. In March 2019, both of us were in Cite international des arts residency in Paris for three months. We collaborated on several projects and In Betweens was on of them. My arabic (spoken words) along with his beats. The inspiration/the story behind this performance is finding the third space as in-betweeners. CLICK HERE to read more and see some of the preformance.

Flow Exhibition, 2017
Strangers, addresses compatibility; the piece warns that proximity should never be confused for closeness. Resigned passersby populate the scene, each with a symbol fixed over their hearts: an eye, a cloud, a spark, or a cube. Though others with selfsame symbols are only just a few heads away, they never meet. Instead, they settle with those nearest to them, despite the mismatch, and enter a relationship spent, as the cliché goes, trying to fit a round peg in a square hole.

Live Demo exhibition, 2017
the yous in you; We've always looked negatively at someone with dual personality. However if we trace the word "duality" back to its original meaning, we will discover that it denotes the existence of two distinctive types of "the same specie" with little differences. This series is an invitation for peace among the different faces within one's self and other faces of people, for we are the same despite our differences. The more we accept the many selves in us, the greener the yousef afandi tree will get.